Messiah Game (2005)
Premiere at Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, March, 10, 2005
Dancers: Caroline Allaire, Vidal Bini, Matthieu Burner, David Bloom, Louise Chardon, Robert Clark, Ricardo de Paula, Laura Frigato, Catherine Jodoin, Johanna Elisa Lemke, Lara Martelli, Vivien Roos, Marika Rizzi
Original Music: Christian Meyer / Stage: Felix Ruckert & Isabelle Fuchs / Light Design: Felix Ruckert / Production: Isabelle Fuchs / Costume Design: Daniela Wedhorn / Technical Director: Delta RAI / Video: Erica Barbiani / Choreography: Felix Ruckert
In Messiah Game the iconography known by (almost) everyone has gone through a process of dissolution. The piece proposes interpretations of five core scenes of The New Testament: The Baptism, The Temptation, The Last Supper, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection. Almost no trace of narrativity or illustration remains after being treated through Felix Ruckert’s choreographic systems. Following his concept of inventing the adequate tools for each new project, Felix Ruckert conceived a structure which will allow any of the 11 performers to represent the central figure, the chosen one, at a time, during the performance. Throughout the piece all the relations between the dancers will be emotionally and physically governed by powerplays in its different constellations, as Felix Ruckert chooses to articulate his piece around the motif of Dominance and Submission.
A production of Compagnie Felix Ruckert Berlin e. V. / in Coproduction with tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, Dock 11 Berlin, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Compté à Belfort/ accueil studio – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, La Filature Mulhouse, ARCADI (Action régionale pour la création et la diffusion en Ile de France) / Supported by NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ aus Mitteln des Tanzplans Deutschland der Kulturstiftung des Bundes / Compagnie Felix Ruckert Berlin e.V. is supported by the Senat für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Berlin.
On tour 2005 – 2007: Düsseldorf, Tanzhaus / Mulhouse, La Filature / Berlin Tacheles / Hamburg, Kampnagel / Helsinki, Kiasma / Venice, Biennale /