I Am Your Mother (2013)
Performance created for xplore 2013, schwelle7, Berlin, July, 28, 2013
Singers& Performers: Anders Kamp, Andreas Schildbach, Anna Bella Ra, Aldo Tilocca, Ariane Mayer, Barbara Kowa, Birgit Frank, Caritia, Franziska Hausmann, Jens Dube, Julia Metzger Traber, Julius Elo, Jueri Gagarino, Martin Mayer, Max Bruno, Natalie Riedelsheimer, Ocean-C. Wilde Ricardo Sousa, Uri Turkenich, Verena Hehl, William Woolf, Wim Franken, Zohar Ren Karni.
Choir Arrangements: William Woolf & Felix Ruckert
Expert for Systemic Constellation: Jana Scherle
Texts, Music, Choreography: Felix Ruckert
Production: schwelle7 and xplore Festival Berlin / July 2013
Special Thanks to Rebecca Egeling, Christine Borch and Rosy Rosenfeld!
This is a hommage to my mother, to me-myself-mother, to your mother and to all the other mothers.
The piece is conceived as a ceremony, a service, an unholy mass: There will be a choir singing beautiful harmonies with texts that describe the complex emotions between mother and child. Then some minimal choreography will be executed, for example breastfeeding and other forms of sensual interaction. Then aome posing in so called family constellations. The focus is on a sensorial observation of vibration in a musical and emotional sense, the creation of a resonating field where emotion is triggered through simple sounds and words and a narrative that forms itself through evocative situations.
The piece relates to some of my choreographies from the late nineties such as The Kitchen (1994) Schwartz (1997) and Ring (1999) when I worked with a conceptual approach and simple pre-established structures, minimal quotidien material and big casts of professional and amateur performers. Several months went in to the preparation of texts and music, while the final composition and rehearsing of the piece was completed in just a week.