s7 – Chastity (full concert)

schwelle7 (2007 – 2016) 

by Felix Ruckert


From 2007 to 2016 I directed the performance space schwelle7 in Berlin-Wedding.

I fused my artistic practices with my personal life, creating a Life Art event, a social choreography, a magical world that involved hundreds of players/participants/people.  schwelle7 became a 9 year long participatory performance with workshops, parties, celebrations, concerts, dance, shibari, life explorations – transformative, transgressive and healing experiences.

For the last two weeks of the existence of schwelle7  in May 2016 I designed a Final Celebration Program, with daily free workshops and night events.


The Chastity Concert, with Christine Borch and me, is one memory of these beautiful last days at schwelle7.