Felix Ruckert: Interview with Myself

By Felix Ruckert (June, 2016)


Q: In one word, what is your work about?

A: Silence

Q: And in two words?

That would be: Inhale! Exhale!

Q: And in a few more words?

A: I would say it is about understanding the profound relationship of compression and expansion as a principle of life and all movement. I would say it is the magic of inhaling and exhaling and the power of the pauses in between.

Q: What do you mean by that?

A: Silence as a state of deep listening is an act of intense perceiving, a state of awareness and flexibility at the same time. The moment when you are sending and receiving simultaneously, when there is balance between what you create and what is created..

Q: So what does that feel like?

A: You can call it flow, ecstasy, bliss or magic. But these words create high expectations and I generally find ambition not a very productive tool on this path. My work is rather about not-wanting than about wanting.

Q: But people call you a Sex Guru, the Master of Pain etc… Do you just sell sex, disguised as art??

A: I definitely do, but I also sell art disguised as sex. For me this separation does not make any sense, the borders between these fields are certainly fluid. I am working with the body in all its aspects and sexuality is a very powerful bodymind phenomena and still far from being understood…


to be continued…