some press excerpts 1997 – 2009

some press excerpts 1997 – 2009

  • With typical Berliner boldness, Felix Ruckert takes all liberties ‑ LES SAISONS DE LA DANSE, PARIS 07/97
  • Isn’t Warhol, who wants – LES SAISONS DE LA DANSE, PARIS 07/97
  • Art as a surrogate for missing closeness and intimacy, as a socio‑therapheutic measure?­ – DER TAGESSPIEGEL, BERLIN 14.8.97
  • Unusual insolence – DANSER, PARIS 12/97
  • Not everybody who wants is a choreographer ‑ LES SAISONS DE LA DANSE, PARIS 03/98
  • It’s crap – BALLETT INTERNATIONAL 06/98
  • Making critical distance‑taking totally impossible. Violation of personality­ –  ZUERCHER TAGESANZEIGER 24.8.98
  • A flood of beautifully and softly wrapped Sado‑Masochism, of broadly smiling perversion, pours over the stage ‑ DER BUND, BERN 29.8.98
  • The empire of senses ‑ LE MATIN, LAUSANNE 4.12.98
  • We wondered, what he would come up with next, the eccentric Berlin choreographer – TIME OUT, ROME 4.11.99
  • Felix Ruckert, the ace of destabilisation ‑ LE MATIN, LAUSANNE 4.12.99
  • With his work, he belongs to the exceptional, the outsiders ‑ BERLIN LIVE 14.11.99
  • Felix Ruckert fragilizes the spectator. An invitation to discover yourself­ – LE TEMPS, GENEVA 28.8.99
  • This ‘art of relation’, is it still art ?‑ LE MONDE, PARIS 20.2.99
  • He requires from the audience courage, sincerity and the overcoming of shame and embarrassment­ – LES SAISONS DE LA DANSE, PARIS 02.99
  • What was once called ‘performance’, becomes with Ruckert banal hustle and bustle aiming at private Encounters ‑ MUENCHNER ABENDZEITUNG 8/99
  • A monastic purifying retreat for a new artistic take off! – MUENCHNER MERKUR 2.8.99
  • A theatrical Rorschach test! ‑ THE VILLAGE VOICE, NEW YORK 26.10.99
  • Tip! Interaction (or lack of it) depends on the mental baggage of the viewer. – THE NEW YORK TIMES 22.10.99
  • Caution! Exposure to this show could become addictive ‑ THE GAZETTE, MONTREAL 7.5.99
  • Felix Ruckert proclaims the new sobriety ‑ BERLINER ZEITUNG 17.9.99
  • Either you love it, either you hate it – VOIR, MONTREAL 15.7.2000
  • Ruckert has developed a choreography that engenders a physical and emotional contact between performers and audience members far beyond the norm – DANCE THEATRE JOURNAL, LONDON 9/02
  • He transforms the theatre into a communicative space, where the cognitive capacities of the dancers – but also of the audience – are permanently challenged – TAGESSPIEGEL, BERLIN 14.8.02
  • Crossing borders is not just a pretention here. It is real and pure joy – MUENCHNER MERKUR 12.8.02
  • A heavy irritation, an offense to personality and the last frontier of the individual: the body – TAZ, HAMBURG 21.11.02
  • Pure sensual seduction – DIE WELT, HAMBURG 16.11.02
  • Beautiful and uncompromising – NATIONAL DANCE AGENCY, LONDON 8/02
  • Subversive and exciting –  SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, MUENCHEN 27.3.02
  • Uninteresting and shameless – MAINPOST, WUERZBURG 4.8.02
  • A sensual punch – TAZ, BERLIN 1.2.02
  • Currently probably the most radical choreographer in Europe – BALLETTANZ, BERLIN 4/02
  • The highlight in dancing Berlin – TIP, BERLIN 7/02
  • What a great ice-breaker for a pack of troubled world leaders – THE TIMES, LONDON 27.9.2002
  • Felix Ruckert sets up a theatre evening that really grabs you – DIE WELT, HAMBURG 11/02
  • A ritual where fantasies and senses brew their own inner world of experience – TAZ, HAMBURG 11/ 2002
  • An ingenious and fresh twist, the physical becomes emotional – NEW YORK TIMES 5.9.2003
  • The experience can be deliriously, innocently sensual or sexual. Western society’s taboos against touching are set aside – THE VILLAGE VOICE, NEW YORK 10.9.2003
  • A kidnapping into a dark world – SAARBRUECKER ZEITUNG 10.6.03
  • An evening between wake and trance – TAGESSPIEGEL, BERLIN 12.07.03
  • A multitude of microevents that reveal a fantastic vital boost. DANSER, PARIS 4/03
  • The collective is exercising – TAGESSPIEGEL, BERLIN 11.7.03
  • For the first time, a ballet company is no longer the tool of a normative objective, but the subject of creative decision – BALLETTANZ 4/03
  • Sad, not just the dancers weaknesses, but also the conceptual inconsequence – TANZJOURNAL, BERLIN 12.7.03
  • One gets never the impression that the strict organisation alters this stunning project of deconstruction – L’ALSACE, MULHOUSE 20.2.03
  • Suggestive, almost a delirium – BERLINER ZEITUNG 12.7.03
  • A long and powerful love song – to dance and to dancers. DNA, MULHOUSE 26.2.03
  • Tote Hose (« dead pants ») NUERNBERGER ZEITUNG 25.4.03
  • Such penetrance is challenging – NUERNBERGER NACHRICHTEN 25.4.03
  • Felix Ruckert reveals urban sensibilities, both hard-edged and poetic – SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER 3.10.03
  • A suggestive, sometimes delirious dance piece -BERLINER ZEITUNG 07/03
  • Astounding natural dancing, absolutely emotional» IL PICCOLO, UDINE July 2004
  • Many people come twice, once to watch the choreography, the second time to see what happens when the tactile dimension of the choreography is at play on one’s own body – DIE TAGESZEITUNG, BERLIN 04/04
  • An experience unlike any other, a life-changing piece, which good art often is – KIASMA JOURNAL, HELSINKI Nov 2004
  • It is like floating on a cotton cloud….magical! –  LA NOUVELLE REPUBLIQUE, PARIS Nov 2004
  • “Profiliertes Tanzensemble” “Innovative Produktion” “Ärgerliches Tanzereignis” BALLETTANZ, JAHRBUCH 04/05
  • A scandal ? No, an ancient passion –  BALLETTANZ 05/05
  • The conventional stage pieces of Ruckert concentrate on subtle vibrations between the performers and the spreading of these energies through the public. Through his taboo-breaking propositions, he extends one’s inner frontiers – TANZJOURNAL 05/05
  • A dance one has seldom seen so free. A dance that is out of itself and yet always in control, with extraordinary virtuosity. – DIE WELT, HAMBURG 11/05
  • Even though the choreography doesn’t tell any story, it says everything – DIE WELT, HAMBURG 05/06
  • Once again, Felix Ruckert’s clear choreographic language awakens new and original poetry, thanks to the confrontation of extraordinary dancers personnalities – DIE WELT, HAMBURG 11/06/08
  • It’s exciting, a bit scary, appealing and very, very different –  LUOVIA YHDISTELMIÄ JA RAJATILOJA, HELSINKI January 2009