xplore Barcelona 2018

Julyen Hamilton performing at xplore Barcelona 2018 / pic by Pilar Aldea


Anchor Sarah-Aleisha & Philipp
Boys Get Fucked in the Ass Nehra Stella & Philipp
Cock Conditioning Tua & Roza
Consent&BDSM Nehra Stella & Pilar Aldea
Curiosity – The Pleasure is All Ours Slavina
Dancing at xplore Julyen Hamilton
Dirty Talk Nico & Milena
Exhibitionist Vs Shy – two approaches for amateur porn shooting in a different way Zor
Fluidity – An Oil Action Ginger & Il Ruh
Open Relationships, Non Monogamy and Other Intimacies Miguel Vagalume
Orgasm Ceremony Pia Struck
Redefining Porn. And Shooting It. A Practical Experiment. Zor
Resensualize Maranta Rubiera
Ritual Feet Washing Delta RA’i
Ropes for Play Pilar Aldea
Seduction: the art of not giving a fuck or, fake it ’til you make it! Victoria Vaar
Solo Sex Pia Struck
Tears of Sadness – Tears of Joy Felix Ruckert
The Art of Submission Felix Ruckert
The Dancing Whip Delta RA’i
The Pack Maranta Rubiera